Friday, April 19, 2013

Las Vegas Mazatlan

Hey Everyone,
Sorry for not writing for a while. I just officially got Internet this week, so Ive been trying to get caught up. These last several weeks have been great and busy. We have a group coming tomorrow, and I have been working hard in my new role of site and project management.  We recently looked at a piece of property that we think would be perfect for the development of our ministry site. We found out today that the property is not available. But we are continuing to pray and ask God to provide for this need. To the left is a picture of our staff praying on the property. Our hope is to have the capital campaign ready to launch by September. Trusting in the Lord to guide the way.
We are getting ready for the summer. We have about 150 group members coming down to the nice hot weather here. We also have about 10 Interns coming as well. The guys will be staying with me, and I am looking forward to working with them and growing in fellowship. Hoping the house stays clean, but I was an intern guy a few times, and I know what the dorms looked like..... and smelled like.
Last weekend we went out to a squatters village here in Mazatlan with a local church. It was an amazing experience to work with the people there, and hear their story. We took the kids down to an open field and played some games with them. They ranged from 16 years to 2 years, so cute. We played Duck Duck Goose, or Pato Pato, Ganzo, and some other games that I'm not quite sure of the names. They call this community Las Vegas, but far from what we know, this village is very similar to a Rio community that we serve in Monterrey. Houses are made from garbage, platform skids, plastic. The floors are dirt and pirated wires run along the roads. Aside from the beautiful beaches of Mazatlan, there are places here that many folks along the golden district never see. There vision of Mexico is slightly skewed to the one that we travel into each day.
Here in Mazatlan we serve alongside 3 children's homes, called Casa Hogars. One of the homes is a special needs home called Rancho de los Ninos, where the kids have both mental and physical disabilities. We have been working with a local group called Padres e Compadres, which provides therapy for the kids. We have also been bringing groups to Padres' to work with the kids there, and provide relational development. I have been doing some research and design for a new therapy room on site at Rancho, to further the development of the kids.  Please pray that God would look after the kids and provide us with the resources and energy to build into them.
We also serve with a home called EdS, which is a Salvation Army home. The kids here range from 2- 16 years of age, and are the cutest. To the Left is Lupitha and I. Isn't she just adorable. Ive been working with the directors here to design a new study room for them. This will be a separate building on there property which will provide a space for the kids to do school work, and educational development.
God has been teaching me alot of things since Ive been here. It has been a crazy ride so far, but I am enjoying every bit of it. The greatest thing the Lord has been teaching me though is patience. When I am ready, I am ready. But he has been teaching me to slow down, and stay focused. I just love going to EdS and playing with the kids, or helping them with there homework. It is here I see the Lord teaching me the most, through the kids. Its also here where I learn more Spanish. The kids aren't afraid to call me out! The journey is continuing, and I am grateful that God is working through us to serve his children here.
Thank you for all the prayers and your continued support!
Many Blessings


  1. I am so proud of you! Glad you have internet. I can not wait to come down and see you.

  2. Glad you are doing well! Thanks for the update. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good work!



  3. So great to hear from you! Glad you are doing so well! All the kids say hi, in fact Evan just said yesterday he wished Adam was here so he could lay pillows on him and jump on him!!
    Love ya,
