Sunday, June 26, 2011

Not to us, But to your Name, be the Glory!

These last couple weeks have been busy, and full of spiritual awareness for me. God has been opening my eyes to new things and teaching me what a true servant heart looks like. WE have been singing a song at worship each night, and the corus says, not to us but to your name be the Glory. I have been learning that in every aspect of my life, I need to give God all the glory. That it is not about us, or about Giving ourselves Glory, but about giving God Glory for everything, and especially for he did for us on the Cross through Jesus!
This summer we started having a night of Spanish worship, and testimony. Many of the teens in our Hope program have opened there hearts and shared there testimonies each week. This fall a bunch of the teens will be taking there own mission trip to our site in Cancun Mexico. They have been raising all there own support by selling smoothies a few nights a week to the American groups coming down. They are pretty good smoothies!! 
A few weeks ago, I had the privilege to be an encargado at one of the children's homes we serve. Casa hogar douglas is just a few minutes from our campus, and was actually the first home that B2B got involved with. We sent all the care takers on a retreat, and went in and served as the kids caretakers. there were about 15 of us, and just over 75 kids. Me and 2 other guys took care of the 10 pre-media boys, around 8-10 years of age. They were quite a handful. This experience was very humbling for me, and I gained a new respect for what these encargadas do on a daily basis. Its up 5:30 every morning, get the kids ready for school, eat breakfast then off to school. Then they clean and do laundry until lunch when the kids get back. After launch its homework time and chores. Then free time for the kids. sounds easier than it is, haha. The fact is that this is there life, everyday. They get paid little to nothing, have no free time, and they get worn out. even worse, this is the life of these kids. They get no special attention, or privileges. It is such a hard life for them, and with out someone to build into them, and share the word of God, most of these kids end up on the streets.

Like I said, many of the teens in our Hope program have been saring what God has been doing in there lives these last couple weeks. Not only have the been an inspiration to the groups, but also the kids we serve. They to were once living in this situation.Here is a video of two of the girls in our program. There names are Lupita and Carolina. Todd and Beth, our Exec Directors, have adopted them into there home.
Things have been going very well here. I know it has been a while since I have writen, but it has been very busy. I have been working on designing a new dorm for casa Hogar Douglas. it will serve as an office on the first floor, and 2 apartment style dorms on the second floor. I am currently working on an exterior patio design for the church at Douglas. This week I will begin working on designs for new staff housing on campus. One will be an extension onto the Josua house. The second will be our new bodega, place where we keep all our tools and construction equipment, and it will have a few apartments on the second floor. I am excited to be putting me education to work here. We just found out that we have received a $100,000 donation from a company in Mexico to begin the construction on the new dorm for Douglas. Gabo and I are meeting with an engineer to work on structural plans. I am super excited, to do this, and also that they liked my design enough that they want to build it!
I am excited for my cousin Sarah to join us this next month. She will serve as an intern for B2B this July. She is excited and a bit nervous, so please keep her in your prayers! the countdown for Guatemala has begun. Just about 3 weeks out!!! Also mom and Dad come in two weeks to Mexico! Things are keeping busy but as always I love where God has me, and Cant wait to see where he takes me next.
Hope all is well back home. I heard it has been a little rainy in Cincinnati. please send some rain our way, not to much, just enough to cool things down. We dont need another Hurricane. It has been just over 110 degrees the last couple weeks, so pray for some rain!! The anniversary for Hurricane Alex was last week. Brought back many memories.
Missed you all in Florida this past week. heard great things!
Love and miss everyone!!


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Cookout at CHD

 Yesterday we had our first group arrive. Only 12 people this week, but they are excited to serve, and we are excited they are here!! Last night we brought them to Casa Hogar Douglas, down the street, to have a cook out with the kids. We made them salchichas, which is like a hotdog. The kids loved it and the group did as well. While the interns were cooking, I went in to the pre-maria dorms, pre schoolers, and hung out with them. I played UNO with Isreai, who by the way kicked my butt haha. Then David, Osiel, Isreai and I watched bob the builder in spanish. The three boys are brothers, as well as Jose Daniel. There are four of them, David the youngest only 3, Oseil 4, Jose Daniel 5 and Isreai is 6 or 7. The cutest kids, all sungglers, and just want some lovin! David has a little chuncky Belly, its a good tickle spot!! He loves to just crawl in your arms and take a snooze!
It is tough to see the hurt in there hearts. But I know that God has big plans for these boys. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers, as well as all those orphans out there who need someone to love them!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Interns Arrived

The interns for the summer arrived Yesterday! It was fun to get to know them and hang out. The summer officially kicks off on Saturday with our first group!!!! Prayers for a first good week!!!