Sunday, August 15, 2010

Strength will Rise as we Wait upon the Lord.....

I am constantly amazed as God continualy weaves my life. Since being home I have been faced with so many challenges. I was excited to come home, and to continue school this semester, because I feel this is where God wants me. I still feel that way, but I keep feeling like there is a void in my life. In the past I have regreted coming home, because I miss the kids. I do miss the kids but I know that God will bring me back. I have a comfort in my Heart about this, but that is not what has bothering me. I have grown so much in my faith these past few years, especially these past two summers. God has been showing me so much and I have learned so much through others. The friends I have made have impacted me so much and will continue to impact me through this journey here on earth. I long to serve God in ministry. I long to meet the woman of my dreams that God brings to me, and spend the rest of our lives serving side by side in Gods will. I long to serve Gods Children and Care for them, teaching them about Gods Love for them. I long to design schools and dorms that house and educate Gods people and children. I long to show people Gods shelter through my Love for Him. I long for my wife and I to raise children of Christ. I long to adopt the child of God, that our society considers a lost sheep. I long to spend eternity in Heaven with my one and only Creator. I Hunger for the True Bread of God!

Patience my Child
Patience my Child
Patience my Child

Each time I pray I feel God telling me this. "I have you here for a reason, this will happen in my timing". It brings me back to Isaiah 60 each time. "I am the Lord, in its time I will do this swiftly." 

Patience my Child

I believe this with all my Heart. I m just to impatient of a person. haha. about this time last year, I had finally realized that I wasnt in school for my self. I was in school for God. That he wanted me to have my education so that I could help him. This was a huge step for me, but I am continuing to learn how God wants me to serve him, and I am realizing that my "future plans" have nothing to do with what God will lead me to. In realzing this, even today, especially now, I am ready to tackle school and serve God in Ministry.
I just have this anxiousness to get out there already. I understand the amount of schooling I need to have to get my degree, But I am constantly trying to plan out these "longings" in my mind, and the timing of them. God keeps telling me, "Its not time yet, Just wait". I keep having to remind my self that he is in control of these situations, and That in fully trusting him I have to surrender these over to him. 

I trust you God! Give me the patience to surrender my will to you fully, and completely! I love you!

Since I have been back I have been praying about these things, and God has been revealing things to me in many ways. Not nessesarly answers, but realizations, and confirmation that he is in control, and not me.  This waiting that I keep feeling, is not waiting in Gods story. It is part of my spiritual journey through Christ. It may seem like waiting, and slow timing, but it is merley a blink of an eye in this short, temporary, human experience I am going through in my Spiritual Journey. 
Just this past week I was reading a blog post from my good friend Cassie. Cassie was an inturn this past summer in Mexico with me who I had the opportunity to Serve alongside of. She has an amazing Heart for ministry, and an inspiring personal relationship with God.
Her post title read "Waiting is..." before reading it, I sat back and chuckled for a second. I thought, ok God, Im listening. 
The post read...

Waiting is...
steadfast, that is holding on;
patience, that is holding back;
expectancy, that is holding the face up;
obedience, that is holding one's self in readiness to go or do;
listening, that is holding quiet and still so as to hear
"How long, Lord, must I wait?" "Nevermind, child. Trust me."
And so I wait, But in waiting I trust in my Savior to Guide me.
The Lord is my Everlasting God,
the Creator of all the Earth.
He never Grows weak or Weary.
No one can measure the depths of his understanding.
He gives power to the weak, and strength to the powerless.
In our weakness and tiredness we may fall in exhaustion
But, Those who trust in the Lord will find new Strength.
They will soar high on wings like Eagles
They will run and not grow weary
They will walk and not grow faint
Our God, He reins Forever.....
He is My God! My Savior... and my Father!
Stregnth will Rise as we Wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord, we will Wait Upon the Lord......

Sunday, August 1, 2010

There is no one like Our God

This summer has been so incredible I cant evn begin to explain. God has, had his hand on every single nano second, and it blows my mind at how he works many times. As I have stated many times, the amount of disatser and destruction I have seen as impacted me so greatly. But the Biggest impact of all is the presence of God in all of it. I have been challenged by so many things this summer. But the bottom underlying thing that I feel ties it all together, is Trust. Do I truly, completly, and most importantly surrunder my life to God, and Trust him in each and every second of my life. I have been tested ,many times this summer, even before I came down in May. Doctors saying that test results came back negative, waking up each morning and giving my time to God, Leading me in my work each day, helping my digg a hole, or pour the last wheel barrow of concrete. Surviving a Hurricane, believiing Gods Love is a hurricane, and I am a tree. Do I bend or do I break. Do I trust him to give me streagth when my own physical streagth runs out.
I tust you God with all my Heart and soul, and I surrender my life to you, because I can Not do this on my own. I need you to lead my, and make my paths strait. without you I am dry, I am dark, and I am worthless. You are the light in my world.
This, is what I believe, and This, is what I trust in Him for. God wants to be with us! He doesnt care about what we have, or how rich we are. He doesnt care about our matieral possesions, or the number Of times we went to church this year. He just wants you, and all of you. Buts most of all, He wants you, to know him. I look at my life, and the motions that I have gone through, and I see times when I just did things because it was all I knew. I went to church because it was what I was supposed to do. I said the same prayers every week because thats what we did when I was young. But I never fully grasped the intent of what Gods message was. I think of times today when I just go through the motions. and That is not what God wants or calls us to do. If we continue to do the same things over and over, we get to comfortable with it and we begin to go through the motions.
Rob Bell is a speaker who does video presentations, and one of my favorite talks of his is everything is Spriritual. In this talk he talks about science and faitha and astronomy, and he references it all back to the Bible. But the most facinating thing is all the tecnical aspects of the humon body and the very building blocks of matter. On point he talks about is the Atom. and he states that scientist have broken up the atom into several subatomic pieces. when you split an atom it becomes a quark. ( Sorry if Im losing you) He says that scientist have observed 1 quark in one area and that same quark in another, without traveling the distince inbetween. saw essentually, they have seen 1 quark, 1, in 2 places at one time. I quark. later in the talk he states a point about his 2 boys. he says, "I have noticed this thing they have started doing when ever the need me. They say " dad dad dad". 3 times they would say dad. One day they were sitting on the floor playing legos, and he started to hear the dad dad dad. and he was partially there buy the 2nd dad and fully focused by the 3rd dad. And he realized that he had been there with his kids, but he (his mind) was actually somewhere else, thinking about a meeting or an appointment. and that his kids had come to realize that it takes about 3 trys to get dad here.
wow blows my mind each time. But I see this in my own life, and it is so easy to get caught up in what we are doing or begin thinking about whats next. But God says No. stop and be fully present in this moment. When God tells Moses to go up on top of the mountain, the Hebrew translation actually reads Go up on Top, and Be, on top of the mountain. Moses was probobly like, I get it, if Im on top of the mountain Im on top of the mountain. But God says No, because he knows Moses. This was a dirrect order, becuase God knew that Moses would spend all his energy getting to the top of the mountain, and when he got there he would begin planning his way down, and not fully be present on top of the mountain. and in that time, he would miss what God had to offer him, on top f the mountain. I can think of so many times when I am concerened with this situation, or worring about what I have to do tommorrow, or did I really say that to that Girl. And in those times, God was probobly banging on my head saying, "wake up I right here" but because I am so consumed with what is to happen next, I miss what God has to offer my now. Because this world is so complex, especial here in america, we contantly relay on the news, media and politics, and our Jobs, or schooling, to base out judgements and assumptions about situations and people. And it eats away at us. Greg Huffer, one our staff members at B2B said one day that he was talking to a man from Haiti, and the man siad to him. "It is so amazing how much the Church in America gets done without the help of the Holy Spirit." Bam!! It was like a door slamming i  my face, beacuse it is so true. How often do I ask for Gods guidnence or help in my time of need. Or when I begin to worry, do I let it eat away at me, or do I just say, hey Jesus could you get that for me!
Prayer is so important, and I know that you all know that. It has been a crucial part of my life and my faith, especially through my treament as a young kid. Prayer has all sorts of power, and it brings us closer to God. I have found that through my prayers, God challenges me to seek out the challenges and obsticals I pray about. But also in my prayer that I stop asking for So much help, and just Trust that he is God, and what is going to happen will happen. And it is because he loves us. Many times I talk to much in my prayers, when God really wants me just to listen. I find often that when I am talking to much, I miss what God is telling me. sounds familier??? lol. I imagine God saying sometimes. "well if you would shut up and listen, I ill tell you. But most of the time when I expect an answer from God, I expect it verbally. why, Cause thats the way we do things here. But God, who is not limited to a human body or limited to our 3 dementional world, says "Thats not really how I work." I thi k it is so important to be open to how God may speak to you, because if we are to focused on a certain answer, or a ceratin way, we will miss what He is telling us.
Our theme this Summer was Hunger. John 6:33 states "The truse bread od God is the one comes down from Heaven and Gives Life to the world. No weve been through the joking of "well I really hunger for a twinky right now" But the exploration of the Hungering for the True Bread, of God continues to thrive in my heart. What is the True Bread of God? What is the True Bread? What does Hungering for God really look like?
As I boarded my second plane in Housten yesterday there was a man that was getting ready to sit down across the aisle from me. He wacked his head on the part where the oxgen mask stuff is. I said oh I hate that, I do it all the time. well we started talking, and my mind was like, I kinda wanted to sleep these next to hours. haha. I learned that he was a Christian, and was from Mason Ohio. He asked me what I did, and I began to tell him about B2B. As time went on, we went about our buisness, I put my Ipod in shut the window shade. About an hour later I got a tap on my shoulder. As I looked over at the ma, he motioned for me to put my window shade up. As I opened it, I was in awe of the sunset that was on the horizon. The colors and the clouds we soo beautiful, and so amazing. I said God is so awesome. we watched the sun set down, and as it began to disapear, a new light of color hit the horizon. The man said, "wow God can really paint can he!" I thought for a second, and said "yes he truly can. He painted this picture. he painted my life, and he painted yours. and he holds the colors and the paint tray for our future. I stated to him that it almost appeared as a rainbow on the horizon. He asked me if I knew of the story of Noah and the rainbow. I chuckled, and nodded yes. I was reminded of the covenant God made to us. Right at that time I looked to the groung and out of the darkness appeared a Cross. A small city in the vast darkness, lit up with homes and streets, and it formed a cross. Hes the light in the darkness, he's the hope to the hopeless, he's the peace to the restless. There is no one like our God, for greater things have yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city.  God I give you my paint, and I give you my brush. I give you my Heart and my soul, and I trust in you to fulfill me with your true colors. I surrender my life to you, and I will continue to Hunger for you just as you Hunger for me. I love you God, and I thankyou for my life! I thank for the many friends I ahve made, and how they have brought me closer to you. I ask that you use them to challenge me in my daily life, and keep me accountable for my actions. I thank you for the family you have blessed me with. May we use our times and energy to streagthen each other and build into each other as Jesus did.  I thank you for the many friends and family who have supportted me in doing you will, not just financially, but through Love Blessings and Prayers. It is through them That I have come to know you better. 
I thank you all for everything. I love you all and cant wait to see you. I miss the kids so very much and cant wait to see them again. But I trust in Gods Plan for life, and His will for me now, is to get my education for him, and serve him through that. I come home with a full yet open heart, ready to recieve what Big Man guides me through!
I thank you again God, over and over and over! Thank you !

I Hunger for the True Bread of God, which is to do the will of Jesus. What do you Hunger for?

Peace and Blessings

Still Praying

Hey everyone, I made it back safe. Just enjoying my sunday with my family, aunt kathy, Brian my cousin and Aunt Carol. It has been a good day and I am going to play Golf with the boys later. I have so much on my mind right now, and I am still praying about what I want to blog about. I will update tonight! Thank you all again!
Much Love