I made it in about noon on Monday. They flights were good! Greg picked me up frorm the airport and we went and got some food for the week. Yesterday we went to LTP to work on the new Dorms there. They are trying to move Monitiel de Amor there by the end of june. here is alot to be done still though. We began pulling electric lines, and making boxes. Luckly it was a cool day. Today however has been a hot one. just around 100 degrees. I am working on the work trailers right now, and through out the week, making some of the shelves and such more organized. I am buliding a new shovel and hoe exc rack for each trailer. They old racks, everything would always fall out and get all jumbled together. So I am making each tool a separate rack, with a looking latch on the front to keep the tools from falling out when we take them to each site. It has been fun working and going at my own pace. I like being here before the summer caos, but also enjoy the caos as well haha. It has been great to see everyone and catch up. Last night I went to douglas for a bit and watched Toy Story 3 with the pre school boys. It was great to see all of them and hang out. It was also funny tring to figure out what woody and buzz were saying in spanish?? haha.
I am loving every minute, and cant wait until the next! We have the staff retreat tomorrow, friday and sat.!!
Love you all. Ill try and get some pictures up soon. also I apoligize the internet has been very in and out here so, if I dont post it is because theres no internet haha.
Thank you all
Get it!!
I am so glad you made it safely. You are in my daily prayers. God bless. love you, Aunt Kathy